Final Consortium Meeting:
Trainnig video:
Project results:
7th Framework Programme Project N° 309283
Innovative process of production of PUR foams with a reduced content of toxic isocyanate
Project duration: od 1 May 2013 do 30 April 2016
Objective: Research and implementation of innovative microencapsulation procedures in technological processes.
Project under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Union, FP7-SME-2012. Project FREEFOAM - "Novel polyurethane (PUR) foam manufacturing process with a reduced toxic isocynate content" - an innovative method of manufacturing of polyurethane foams with a reduced content of isocyanate.
Project partners:
The project partners are three research organizations, four associations and
two medium-sized enterprises. The principle includes conducting research,
the research results will be owned by the associations and implemented by
the two medium-sized enterprises.
Contribution of participation of ZCHFP SR in the project:
ZCHFP SR has taken part in the project for chemical logistics ChemLog. the Project is co-financed from EU funds.
ChemLog is a European cooperation project between regional authorities, chemical industry associations and scientific institutions from Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Italy with the objective to strengthen competitiveness of the chemical industry by improving framework conditions for supply chain management in Central and Eastern Europe.
Project Partners:
The Main objective of the project: Strengthening railway and waterway transport for chemical goods in comparison to road to improve safety and environmental protection, reduction of costs and increased speed and flexibility for chemical logistics.
The Project arises from the idea of a competence disadvantage of chemical industry of Central Europe in comparison with the western one, which has the possibility to use cheaper and more safety transport by water ways, mainly in the Rhine. What is more, some of the Central European countries have not direct connection to the sea. As to the basic chemical raw materials there is still significant dependence on the deliveries by pipelines from Russia.
With respect to the fact that the road net is highly overloaded there is necessary to look for a more effective and more safety means of transport. One of the solutions should be the substitution of the road transport of liquefied gases (ethylene, propylene) by pipelines. the project corresponds to the transport policy of the European Union summarized in the respective White Paper of the European Commission. the main aim is a more ecological, more effective and more safety ways of transport. the main principles of ChemLog also corresponds to the aims of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic embraced in the Programme of the support of combined transport, adopted by the Government as the Proposal of measurements for the support of the development of intermodal transport in the Slovak Republic. the Project will be in accordance with the Conception of water transport in the Slovak Republic.
Within ZCHFP SR the Project is co-ordinated by Mr. Jaroslav Čermák, the head of the Work group for logistics. Representatives of Slovak chemical companies, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Economy, Universities, and other institutions are the members of the ChemLog team.
More Safe and More Efficient Transport for Chemical Industry
Work Meeting on Cleaning of Transport Tanks for Chemicals – Šoporňa, 10 March 2011
More Safe and More Efficient Transport for Chemical Industry
Feasibility study - Progres in Slovakia
Work Meeting in Žilina on 30 June 2010, Presentation on Combined Transport
Development of Railroad and Combined Transport in Slovakia in Relation ...
Association of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Slovak Republic (ACFI SR) joined the project ChemLog T&T, which is part of the Operational Programme Central Europe. We began to work on the project on 01.07.2012 and are expected to finish on 31.12.2014.
The project follows on the good experience and results of project ChemLog, which was subsequently extended by 6 months.
The project will also address the search for a safer and more environmentally friendly mode of transport for the chemical industry. Priority will be given to transport in the direction east to west and back, using a special technology for monitoring dangerous goods according to the ADR (The European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road). In addition to the original partners from Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Italy and Hungary, Slovenia and representatives of seaports in Italy also joined the project.
Thus the project covers all modes of transport and our aim is to contribute to the unification of systems for identification and monitoring of shipments - Tracking and Tracing. In the future the systems will use the navigation system Galileo, GSM data transmission networks and identify vehicles and shipments by RFID systems.
The project will involve not only member businesses of ACFI SR but also road, rail and river carriers as well as operators of combined transport. Together we will work to build lines of continental combined transport through Slovakia using our position in Central Europe.
Up to present time we have organized following activities in the frame of the Project:
We presented and promoted the Project ChemLog T&T at following events:
Recent news:
We are preparing:
SK prezentácia BA 08042014 Jagelčák
Agenda ClMWg Bratislava PAG 1oct final
Agenda ClMWg Bratislava WG 30Sep1Oct draftBratislava_ foto_ChemLog_T&T_ 2013
Prezentácia TaT 2013 RSM BA Čermák
Šamorín 2012 – Havarijný systém DINS
Výzva na spracovanie ponúk pre technickú asistenciu v projekte
Project duration: May 2011 - October 2013
Financing: European Union - European Regional Development Fund, Central Europe
The Project objectives are focused mainly on the improvement of the frame conditions for supporting of innovations in the nanotechnology field that are connected with the rest of themes within the Priority 1 of the Central Europe Scheme.
With the specific reference to P1.2, the NANOFORCE Project, via the mechanisms “Nanodeals generator”, the Technical rating for the projects oriented to the innovative market with nanotechnologies as well as the Multi-national Capital Fund for Nanotechnology, stimulates the applied research and the co-operation in Central Europe.
The perspective synergy between research & development centres and big and small enterprises, supports the transfer of knowledge. Common evaluation of nanomaterials analysis and the planned training of students and researchers at the creation of nanotechnology innovative business doing, contribute to the support of knowledge exchange, in accordance with P1.3. Until now, no European or National legislative scope exists for the field of nanotechnology and nanoparticles. What is more, in all the partner countries of the Project, it is feared that placing the nanomaterials in the market can bring serious risk, which is caused mainly by the lack of information in this field. The NANOFORCE Project which is in accordance with the Priority 1 the Central Europe Programme is trying to connect the private and public organizations to co-operate and deal with inter-discipline research of nanotechnologies and to create suitable technical and financial conditions for transforming of the most promising laboratory results into innovative industrial applications.
Project partners:
Lead Partner:
Associated institutions supporting the Project:
Description of Activities
ZCHFP SR as a project partner is engaged in all Work packages (WPs) the Project.
WP 1: Project Management & Coordination - Participation of the co-ordinator for ZCHFP SR in the WP is defined as well as his presence on the meetings of the Steering Commission
WP 2: Communication, Knowledge Management & Dissemination - the role of ZCHFP SR is to prepare the National versions of the press releases, the Slovak version of the web site, translation of the brochures on nanotechnology to Slovak language.
Within the non-medial co-operation, ZCHFP SR will participate in the preparation and translation of the e-news as well as the National handbook. ZCHFP SR is responsible for the organization of 2 National NANOFORCE info-days.
WP 3: Existing Nanotechnology Infrastructures & Strategy to Reduce Knowledge Gaps in Central Europe - ZCHFP SR will participate in the preparation of the Regional Report about nanotechnology, which will contain the analysis of nanotechnologies from the point of view of invest possibilities (funds) for starting and acceleration of R&D with real outputs. National database of scientific competitions, markets, infrastructure and National plan will be created.
WP 4: Responsible Use of Nanotech & Associated Risk Management. ZCHFP SR will participate in the revision of the existing safety proceedings and respective legislation in the field of research, manufacturing an use of nanotech as well as the nanoparticles analysis in the context of the Regulation 1907/2006 on REACH and 1272/2008 on CLP.
As a result there will be the handbook Responsible Management in Nanotechnology, at the same time the recommendations for the European Commission will be prepared.
WP 5: Supporting Nano R&D, Commercialization and Industrialization. The main goal is the creation of the Innovative platform of nanotechnology “Nanodeals Generator” which consists of the creation of the platform as such, the support of B2B for entrepreneurs and the development of the Methodology of technological rating for the evaluation.
WP 6: Aimed to the creation of the International Nanotech Venture Capital Fund (INVCF) in cooperation with banks and investment companies.
Active participation of ZCHFP SR
NANOFORCE Abstract NanoImpactNet 2012
Basis for the preparation and implementation of the NSP consists of sector councils for different sectors of the economy. The Sectoral Council for chemistry and pharmacy is operated by eight specialists from member organizations of ZCHFP SR.
Benefits for Employers
o to obtain an overview of the current demands for labor on the basis of its own active involvement in monitoring the labor market demands and improving cooperation between entities
Project NSP is implemented by Learning Center Ministry of Labour, Sicial Affair and Family of the Slovak Republic with support from the European Social Fund under the Operational Programme Employment and Social Inclusion.
Project duration: July 2009 – June 2012.
Projekt partners: Federation of Employers‘ associations of the Slovak Republic (AZZZ SR), National Union of Employers (RUZ), Confederation of the Trade Unions of Slovak Republic (KOZ), Trexima.
Newsletter č. 4 - február 2012
Newsletter č. 3 - február 2012
Newsletter č. 1 - december 2011