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Actual information



On May 17, 2024, the nbsp;president of the Association of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry Ing. Roman Karlubík, MBA participated in the nbsp;Eurodebate. The debate was attended by the nbsp;member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Richard Sulík, who is a candidate for the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party for the European Parliament, the nbsp;CEO of Prvá Energetická Andrej Lednár and the nbsp;publisher of Zdravotnícke denník Ivo Hartmann.

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Emission allowances are an important tool of the EU in the nbsp;field of climate change. According to the president of ZCHFP SR Ing. Roman Karlubík, MBA, however, permits threaten many businesses and the nbsp;market is not ready for it. "After all, the nbsp;goal is to raise the nbsp;economy and not to destroy it. The question is why we don't support businesses. After all, it takes away people's jobs and destroys the nbsp;view of the industry. We know the nbsp;solutions, but businesses are not motivated to do so. When the nbsp;company has to pay for allowances, it pays. But when he has a green solution and invests in it, he should be forgiven for something," says the nbsp;president of ZCHFP SR.

The President of ZCHFP SR stated in the nbsp;discussions about green certificates that consumers are not ready to pay more money for greener products.

Debate: Sulík: Emission allowances are a good tool.

Photos: Tomáš Bokor.

Industry meeting with the Deputy Director General of Environment

On April 10, 2024 a meeting of representatives of Slovak industry with Patrick Child, deputy general director for the environment, took place in the premises of the Centre for Chemical Substances and Preparations. On behalf of ZCHFP SR, the following participated: Secretary General Ing. Silvia Surová, and Ing. Silvia Tajbliková (BASF). Representatives of Slovnaft a.s., USS Košice, JAVYS, PW Energy were also present at the meeting.

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  • REACH regulation and future changes
  • IED
  • PFAS
  • Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR)
  • Decarbonization of industry

European Industry Summit: Business Plan for Europe

Under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the signatories signed the Declaration on Competitiveness on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 in Antwerp- Antwerp Declaration. The declaration is a challenge to the governments of the member states and the future European Commission. It contains 10 clear points that are necessary to achieve the competitiveness of European industry, and is a preparation for a European Industrial Agreement that would complement the EU Green Deal. The declaration states that Europe should not only be a continent of industrial innovation, but should also remain a continent of industrial production. Europe needs a strong industry so that companies stay in the EU and invest here, providing jobs and at the same time the climate solutions that Europe needs. Europe urgently needs a business plan.

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The meeting in Antwerp was also attended by Roman Karlubík, President of the Associaton of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries (ZCHFP) SR, who said: "Slovak chemical and pharmaceutical companies struggle with the same problems as other European industrial enterprises in ensuring their competitiveness. We therefore welcome the Antwerp Declaration for a European Industrial Agreement, which is essential to complement the EU Green Deal. The Business Plan for Europe must preserve high-quality jobs for European workers in Europe, as well as the innovation capacity of its industry. For this, it is essential to make Europe a globally competitive energy provider."

Press release of the ZCHFP SR

Press release CEFIC - Antwerp Declaration

BAT and BREF Working group meeting – Revision of the LVIC BREF

On February 20, 2024, a meeting of the working group for BAT and BREF took place in then premises of the ZCHFP SR. The topic of the meeting was the revision of the LVIC BREF, presented by Jean Gods, BREF Senior Manager, CEFIC. On meeting took part members of working group and representatives of Ministry of Environment – Ing. Anna Bohers, PhD., and Ing. Cyril Burda, from Slovak Environmental Inspectorate general director Ing. Katarína Jankovičová and Ing. Dáša Šuleková.

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In the beginning, the general secretary welcomed the guests and briefly presented all the activities of ZCHFP SR. Agenda:

  • Presentation of ZCHFP SR, Ing. Silvia Surová
  • Presentation of the Slovak LVIC industry, Ing. Branislav Brežný, VUCHT a. s., RNDr. Mária Danišová, Fortischem, a. s.
  • IED situation on Slovakia, Ing. Anna Bohers, PhD., MŽP SR
  • Revision of the LVIC, Jean Godts, Cefic
  • LVIC BREF - state of sites, specifics of specific installations, data collection, site visits, Industry, Slovak Environmental Inspectorate
  • BREF strategy for the future
  • Hydrogen workshop
  • Possibilities of support for ZCHFP SR and members from CEFIC
  • PFAS
After the meeting, Jean Godts took two action points that he wants to work on, namely:
  • Transposition of the IED Political to an useful understanding (training end of this year or beginning of next year) also for authorities.
  • Chemical recycling (especially pyrolysis) and information on biomethane in IED annexe 1

Representatives of ZCHFP SR at the Ministry of Economy of the SR

On February 14, 2024, a meeting of Second State Secretary Vladimír Šimoňák with representatives of the Association of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Slovak Republic took place in the premises of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic. On behalf of ZCHFP SR, the following participated: Ing. Roman Karlubík, MBA, President of ZCHFP SR and first Vicepresident of AZZZ, Ing. Silvia Surová, Secretary General of ZCHFP SR, Ing. Štefan Hornáček, deputy chairman of the board of Fortischem, a.s., Ing. Iveta Pálešová, director of AIFP, Ing. Jaroslav Mervart, member of the Board of Chemosvit, a.s. and Ing. Ján Kučeravý, MBA, Executive Director of Nexis Fibers a.s.

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The discussion was on the following topics:

  • The competitiveness of the Slovak chemical and pharmaceutical industry in then context of the EU industry, and the EC's proposal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040.
  • Transition of the chemical industry to a low-carbon economy.
  • A view of the proposals of the Commission and the EU Parliament on the issues of then general pharmaceutical strategy, which is changing after 20 years of validity.
  • Horná Nitra and projects for its transformation in connection with the cessation of lignite mining and its burning.

Collective bargaining and signing of the 3rd amendment to the Higher-Level Collective Agreement for the years 2021-2025.

On January 17, 2024, another round of collective bargaining on Addendum no. 3 to the Higher-Level Collective Agreement for the years 2021-2025.

The general secretary of ZCHFP SR Ing. Silvia Surová and members of the Working Committee for Collective Bargaining also took part in the negotiation. Subsequently, on January 31, 2024, Addendum No. 3 for the year 2024 to KZVS for the years 2021 – 2025. The amendment was signed at the ZCHFP SR: for the Energy and Chemical Trade Union, the chairman Ing. Andrej Buch and for the Association of the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Slovak Republic, President Ing. Roman Karlubík, MBA. The general secretary of ZCHFP SR Ing Silvia Surová and members of the Working Committee for Collective Bargaining also took part in the negotiation.

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